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Showing posts from January, 2022

Missing Kaski records #1: Erma Mabel Kaski

I NEED HELP I've been digging through Ancestry for data on my paternal grandfather, Elroy Kaski, and am trying to build a comprehensive descendant tree for his parents, Mariah Alvina and Peter August. Since data on living people is usually protected, it can be hard to have a high degree of comfort when connecting trees. So, for each spouse who married in to that familial line, I am also gathering data of the spouse's parents, siblings, and grandparents. Having that extra information on the spouse's line, not only helps to tell the story of our direct relatives, but also makes it much easier to trace the relative through all the twists and turns of life. The ASK I'm breaking this down to 5 separate posts, each focused on a different child of Peter August and Mariah Alvina; maybe you hold the key that fits the door to that information. Do you k now the answer to any of my inquiries below?   Post a Comment at the bottom of this page.  Note: All comments require my approval...

Unknown Pics #1 - Mann & Untiedt family

My eldest daughter is deep in to a project to digitize all my old photos. With that, of course, comes a lot of "Who is that". I've been a collector of old family pictures for many years now, but the Whose Who labels have been lost. This first batch of unknowns were stored with pictures of my Grandma, Bernice Mann Untiedt, when she was a teenage and young adult, so I suspect they are all from that side of the family.  Help me properly name these pics by leaving me a comment below telling me who they are. #1 The Easy One I think this first one is my Uncle Howard Untiedt. But, I was second-guessing myself, so I need a confirm! #2 Bernice or Beatrice? Which sister is in this picture? Is it Bernice Mann Untiedt or Beatrice Mann Schrank? Actually, if you can name everyone in the picture that would be great. I think it's either Paul Untiedt, Doug Schrank, Beatrice Mann Schrank, and Don Untiedt or Bob Schrank. #3 Name that Barn I suspect that if someone recognizes the barn in...

Grabe family

This post is specifically for my nieces, Sienna and Sophia. Here's some of the family history I found for their Grandpa Gordon's side of the family. On Ancestry, several people have scanned in their old yearbooks, and so I found a couple different yearbook pics of your grandpa. The pic below reminded me of Sienna; I thought he has the same chin, smile lines, and grin.  Here's a pic of your Grandpa Gordon in high school, his senior year.  Here's a wedding announcement for when your Grandpa Gordon and your Grandma Phyllis were married in 1964. The picture below is your great-grandpa Grabe's draft registration card for World War II. Every man over 18 was required to register for military service. Notice how he was listed as living in Oakland, CA, but then it was later crossed out and on the side it has an address in Flint, Michigan. This is because your great-grandpa Grabe got temporarily transferred to Michigan during the war to work for Ford Motor Company, the same...