This post is specifically for my nieces, Sienna and Sophia. Here's some of the family history I found for their Grandpa Gordon's side of the family.
On Ancestry, several people have scanned in their old yearbooks, and so I found a couple different yearbook pics of your grandpa. The pic below reminded me of Sienna; I thought he has the same chin, smile lines, and grin.
The picture below is your great-grandpa Grabe's draft registration card for World War II. Every man over 18 was required to register for military service. Notice how he was listed as living in Oakland, CA, but then it was later crossed out and on the side it has an address in Flint, Michigan. This is because your great-grandpa Grabe got temporarily transferred to Michigan during the war to work for Ford Motor Company, the same company your mom worked for when you were born.
Your great-great-great Grandpa George Washington Grabe was a Reverend who fought in the Civil War for the Illinois 30th Infantry (Union).
Hope you girls thought this was a fun way to learn more about your family history. Leave your Auntie a comment and tell me what you thought, or ask any questions you might have.
Auntie Manda!
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