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Missing Kaski records #2: Elma Sandra Geraldine Kaski


This is the second of a series of posts on the data I'm missing to build a complete descendant tree for my paternal great-grandparents, Mariah Alvina Ecklund and Peter August Kaski. This post focuses on Elma Kaski, for whom I do not currently have contact with any direct descendants. I would love any help making this connection.


I have some holes for some people in this branch; maybe you hold the key that fits the door to that information. Know the answer to any question below? 
  1. Post a Comment at the bottom of this page. Note: All comments require my approval before becoming visible to others; if a comment contains confidential data about a living person, I will keep the comment private, and update this post to reflect I've received the needed information.
  2. Contact Me using the Contact Me form in the green section on the far right of this page.
  3. Connect with me on Facebook and message me through Facebook.
All three contact methods work well for me; use whatever approach is easiest for you. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Elma Sandra Geraldine Kaski

  • When and where was Elma married?
  • Did Elma go by that name, or did she go by another nickname such as "Sandy"?
  • For Clarence's father, Ralph, where did he die?
  • For Clarence's natural father, William Dakin, he was born and died where and when? I have a DOB of about 1893 in Ohio. 
  • For Clarence's mother, Alma, when in 1918 did she marry William Dakin, and when did that marriage end? Where and when did Alma die? 
  • For Clarence's first wife, Dorothy, what were her parents' names and facts (DOB, DOD)?
  • Is Patty's husband, David, still alive? There's some conflicting information out there.
  • Have either of Patty's sons married or had any children?

Thanks in advance for your help on my treasured project! If you have any pictures I can post, I and others in the Kaski line would surely love to see them.


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