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Showing posts from October, 2024

9,000 people

 My tree has crossed the 9,000 person mark! And how many of those people have I checked off as completely researched: 17! 17 out of 9000: only 99.8% left to complete and only 30 years in to this project.  Another 30 and maybe  I'll hit the top 50. Yikes! But by then, 50 out of 15,000 isn't going to help my %.

Are Untiedts Danes or Germans?

The answer is "It Depends". In 1847, when Paul Untiedt Sr's father, Henry Untiedt, was born, Schleswig-Holstein was part of the Prussian Empire. The following year, 1848, Denmark tried to formally annex the area, which began the First Schleswig War. In 1858, Henry's father, Hinrich, was serving as a Prussian soldier. In 1867, Prussia took the territory back as victory for the Second Schleswig War. Our last "German" Untiedt ancestor, Paul Sr., was then born 3 years later in 1870. It is no wonder that both Paul & Henry (+ wife Magretha Peterson) left for America in 1882. But this is why some ancestory tests will say we are "Germanic" while others refer to us as "Danish" or "Scandanavian". So, why the fight? They were arguing over whether they should be Danish or German. Back then, the question was whether to be part of the duchies of Holstein or Schleswig, and in many records you will see all of above referenced.