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Showing posts from October, 2023

Happy Birthday 3x Great-G-Pa Andreas Andersen

196 years ago today, Andreas Andersen,  my great-great-great grandfather was born! October 25, 1827. The 1865 Norway census tells us that by the age of 38, Andreas had a farm with 1 horse, 2 large cattle, 2 sheep and some seed to grow grain and potatoes. He and his wife, Marie Guldbransdatter, had been married for 11 years. The Ringsaker church where they were wed was built in the 1100s (see picture below). The church would also serve as the baptism site for their children. Marie & Andreas would live all their lives in the Ringsaker region. The last of Andreas and Marie’s 7 children, Agnethe Carrie Andreasdatter, was also born in 1865. Agnethe would marry Ole Hansen Maurud, and their son, Birger Maurud, 2 years in to the Great War (WWII), would come to the US in 1916, beginning one of our US immigration branches. Source of the picture below showing the Ringsaker Church and the surrounding farm land:

Wilhelm Mann

 I found this great picture on Ancestry today! It's my great-great grandfather, Wilhelm Mann. Looks like Santa Claus, right? Am I really related to Santa?

Venegas & Carroll fun facts

 This post is for my nephew, Robbie Venegas, and my niece, Penelope Venegas. Howdy Sheriff Your great-great grandfather, Atticus Carroll, was a sheriff's deputy in east Texas in 1940. Just like the show Andy Griffith and the character Andy Fife. I just see you kids wearing these little sheriff star badges when you were little and chuckle at the connection.  Here's the 1940 Census that showed me that information. Vanegas Back in 1799 in Monte de Los GarcĂ­as, Zacatecas, Mexico, your family was spelling your name as "Va" instead of "Ve".