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Showing posts from May, 2023

Who Are These People?

Organizing photos and I'm not 100% sure I know who is in these pictures which I believe all come from the Morud side of the family. Can you please help?  Update: Thanks Karen Roeman for responding with the answers. Reply in the comments, or send me a message in Facebook, or email me at ******************************************************************************** Picture #1: Cousins. This was taken at my Grandma Delores funeral.  I have my own guesses on every one, but I'd prefer some validation. { Picture #2: Cousins + aunt + uncle. This was also taken at my Grandma Delores funeral.  [Update: Thanks Karen!] Picture #3: Arlene Morud Bertrand's wedding [Update: all persons named thanks to Terri Peterson!] Picture #4: Rozie's wedding, pic2 I labeled this picture as Berger and Tillie with the bride and groom, but I'm second guessing myself. Is that correct? [Update: not correct. This is Arlene Bertrand's wedding with Tillie & Berger]. P...

Our Immigration Timeline

The below image shows when each of my ancestors immigrated to the United States.  3 generations ago, 4 of my great-grandparents made the journey across the sea coming from Finland (1903), Norway (1916), and Germany (1882 and 1895). One from each branch of my tree. 4 generations prior was the mass migration that formed my American family tree branches. On my paternal line, ancestors came from Scandinavia (1874 Sweden, 1872 Finland, and 1866 & 1889 Norway). From my maternal line, they all came from Germany (1867, 1875 and 1884). My earliest US ancestors came 5 generations before me and were my Ahrendt 2x great-grandparents, who traveled to New York together in 1855 from Germany.