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Showing posts from April, 2022

A long way back

I've spent the last month scratching the surface to research the paternal ancestry of my Venegas-Shore nieces and nephews. This post is for you: Andrew, Ashley, Penelope, and Robbie. The Shore Line One of the most interesting questions I was able to solve was whether the Shore line has any Cherokee ancestry. I can confirm that, yes, you do. I learned first that in order to be eligible for Cherokee Nation citizenship, a person must have one or more direct ancestors listed on the Dawes Roll, the final federal census taken of of tribal citizens living in the U.S. from 1898-1906 (Source: ). Clem Shoemake, Ashley & Andrew's great-great grandfather, was listed on the Dawes Roll when he was three years old. The Dawes Roll notes that Clem Shoemake was 1/32 Cherokee, which makes Ashley & Andrew 1/256 Cherokee. Based on the current application requirements, Ashley & Andrew are able to apply for citizenship in the Cherokee Nation, if they ever desir...