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Showing posts from November, 2021

Wiebener & Schwager

Kodak, to many, is synonymous with photography. The iconic brand would be formed a decade after these pictures were taken. I found the pictures below which are of my great-great grandmother Anna Wiebener Schwager and her husband Jurgen Schwager. Anybody see a family resemblance? Picture of Anna Wiebener was reportedly taken in 1872. The picture of Jurgen Schwager was taken around 1870. Sources: I've reached out to the person who posted these pictures to see if they have anymore. So exciting.

A real human interest story - Rudy Boelman

This article was saved by mother's cousin Bud Untiedt, then passed to my uncle Don Untiedt, who then shared with me in 2017. I read it today for the first time and thought, Wow, what an interesting journey. Enjoy! Here's how the Boelman's tie in to my family tree.

My Family History Research Journey

I started researching my family tree for a project in 5th grade. Having grown up a military child, living where the military sent us, which was never close to my extended family, the concept of aunts, cousins, and grandparents, was pretty foreign. Also since 3 of my 4 grandparents were deceased before I was born, there was no opportunity to even glimpse those mysteries of my ancestral past.  The project started with a pile of index cards (which I still have today), followed by asking my parents for all the details they could recall. Who did they marry? When were they born? Where do they live now? I was likely the only 13 year old excited to attend a 1994 reunion of my grandmother's cousins so I could start to put faces with the names on my lists. In life before the Internet, my tree grew manually, in a very personal way, through one-on-one phone calls, or rare in-person visits. When AOL brought email to every personal PC, I could suddenly collect information from people overnight; ...